Sunday, November 20, 2005

Mistletoe in Magazines

The December monthlies are now out, and I've been reviewing a few to see what the mistletoe coverage is like.

Period Living & Traditional Homes has a lengthy piece - pages 98 to 100 if you really want to know. Feature written by Charlotte Ewing, and pics by me (largely of previous mistletoe auctions at Tenbury Wells). The theme centres on Tenbury and covers the plans for the Mistletoe Festival etc this year.

Organic Life, a new magazine, also covers mistletoe, in a Christmas Myths and Legends section. All good stuff, and they also put in a good word for the Festival etc. But nil points for their mistletoe illustration (page 24) - which is unmistakably the American mistletoe - not our distinctively branched species at all. Leaves, berries and branches are all wrong.... Whoops! With an organic theme you'd assume they would ensure they promote the local stuff. Ok, it's just an error, but it does grate a little with me.

Gardening Which also has a mistletoe feature - but I haven't seen that yet. They are interested in establishing mistletoe at one of their demonstration gardens - more on that later... (sometime around February).

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