Thursday, November 24, 2005

More media etc

Lots more media enquiries this week - BBC2 for a new nature series, Independent on Sunday about Mistletoe rustling (yes, it happens!), Western Daily Press re the market and online sales, etc etc etc.

It's not even December yet - and there's the Mistletoe Festival next week - which should attract a lot of media interest. So it looks like a busy mistletoe media season this year.

Meanwhile, back in mistletoe country preperations for the Festival are being finalised - and if you've not bought your tickets for the Ball I think it's too late now. Sorry (though I s'pose you could try...).

Am beginning to worry about the art exhibition - I'm due to put up a display of mistletoe harvesting pics and mistletoe imagery in art nouveau - and there's so much material it's difficult to know what to use. A task for the weekend? - sandwiched between the Industrial Archaeology meeting I'm due to be at on Saturday and Sunday, the Ball on Saturday night, and meeting Stan Yapp to finalise our talks next week... More likely a task for next week...

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